Abdominoplasty @ Blackrock Aesthetics

 At A Glance – Abdominoplasty



1.5-3.5 hours

Pre admission

No smoking/ vaping x 6 weeks
Off HRT/ OCP x 6 weeks
No tests required unless specified




2 weeks

Hospital stay

1 night/ 2 nights


1 week

Time to exercise

3 weeks/ 6 weeks to total

Optional enhancements

Emscuplt Neo/ Lymphastim/ Exilis

Follow up

3 weeks/ 3 months/ 1 year

Combination surgery possible



Abdominoplasty/ Tummy tuck/ Core restoration

Abdominoplasty/ Mini tummy tuck/ Tummy tuck/Lipo-abdominoplasty/ Diastasis repair

Mini abdominoplasty addresses the lower part of the abdomen below the umbilicus and is suitable for those who had good tightness of the skin of the upper abdomen and only wish to correct the lower abdomen such as after C section, or what is endearingly (!) termed the section shelf or pouch. The scar for a mini abdominoplasty is longer than that of a C section, but not as long as for a full abdominoplasty.

An abdominoplasty, or "tummy tuck" is designed to correct the laxity of abdominal muscles and the accumulation of excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen, most commonly post pregnancy which can stretch all the components of the abdomen considerably. An increasing number of patients who have undergone successful bariatric (weight loss) surgery also seek this operation.

Patients who have undergone weight loss often require more extensive surgery than an abdominoplasty as the excess skin goes around the sides and even across their backs which can mean an extended abdominoplasty or even a 270 or 360 lift.

During an abdominoplasty the rectus muscles are completely visualised and repaired in the midline. This restores the core after childbirth has separated the muscles.

The rectus muscles (strap muscles) down the front of the abdomen are the key components to abdominal integrity and strength. They are only part of the core however, but the key to the core restore as realigning these muscles allow all the abdominal muscles to work again in unison.

A perfect example of better together! Once these core muscles can work again effectively they are the secret to spinal strength as the core balances our spines and keeps them nicely stacked and straight. An added bonus of core strength is the strength these muscles give back to the pelvic floor. Many women report significantly less stress incontinence as a result of their tummy tuck (something I love but don’t promise!).

Abdominoplasty is one of my favourite operations as it offers so much to women in terms of physical, psychological and sexual wellbeing, particularly after childbirth.

Possible combinations/ mummy makeovers:

I often combine tummy tucks with breast reshaping surgery/ labial reshaping/ eyelifts so that recovery can all be undertaken at once.

I also combine tummy tucks frequently with hysterectomy in conjunction with my Gynaecology colleague Dr Hugh O Connor which is a wonderful combination and brings a nice perk to having a hysterectomy :)


Photo of abdominoplasty being performed

I use a low abdominal incision to access and repair the abdominal muscles and also to remove excess skin and fat (often removing the C section scar if present). 

The bellybutton is repositioned and the abdomen contoured using liposuction which is routine in my abdominoplasty technique when required.

Every abdominoplasty is slightly different and tailored to your specific areas of concern. Surgery takes approximately 3 hours.


Many patients who have undergone this procedure comment that the recovery time is similar to when they had a Caesarian Section (except with no baby to look after!).

You will be in hospital for 1-2 days. Lymphatic drainage using the Lymphastim technology will be part of your post-operative scheduling.

Optional enhancements

The Emsculpt Neo is optionally utilised as part of your core recovery after diastasis repair (this fabulous machine does 20,000 sit ups in 30 minutes under clinical supervision). This package is an indulgence post op, but well worth it…taking your results to the max.

You will be able to return to light activity at the 2-3 weeks following the procedure. If wounds are healing on track, core exercise is recommenced at week 4 as part of our “Core Care” rehab.


The scars run from hip to hip, as well as around the belly button. Every individual scars in a different way and I will give you specific instructions regarding your scar therapy once your wound has healed. Scar therapy is a crucial part of your recovery.